Sunday, June 3, 2007

Viburnum: Rise of the Clovers

Concomittant with the flowering of the viburna is Rise of the Clovers, the first flowering of Trifolium repens, the white clover and shortly thereafter the flowering of Trifolium pratense, red clover.

Both of these will hang around all summer to be joined shortly by the the yellow members of the clover posse ("Linneaus meet Tupac") T. dubium, T aureum, T. hybridum.

Along with these clovers, and dominated by their big brother the black locust, is the really weird and sneaky weed Medicago lupulina whose legumes curl up into a crafty little spiral, which is the only way to tell it from the smaller yellow clovers.

1 comment:

Susan Schwake said...

i planted red clover for my salads... where does it fall in the scheme of things?