Sunday, June 3, 2007


At the end of May and the beginning of June there occurs a short very intense season that can go unnoticed by gardeners and professional botanists but which never goes unnoticed by the true amateur naturalist.

This season--the season Viburnum--is THE portent of summer, and the last of the spring seasons. It is NEVER more than two weeks long, and often occurs in a single week between the two longer seasons Sweet Vernal Grass and Galium.

This is the time of the flowering of no less than four species of Viburnum:

Viburnum dentatum--yellow arrow wood (shown above)
Viburnum lentago--nannyberry
Viburnum rafinesquianum--downy arrow wood
Viburnum acerifolium--maple leaf viburnum or dockmackie

It is impossible to underestimate the power of this season as it stands between the greater seasons of the land's spring and summer

1 comment:

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