AmelanchierSaying summer, fall, winter, spring is fine if you are a Howdy Doody fan or an astronomer; to a mentally healthy person (an amateur naturalist) they are gross. They are too long in time and not expressive of the natural world. Being of sound mind, I have named the first part of spring
From March 26, when the
Crocus cvijicii (crocus) may bloom (this year they waited until April 21) until ground ivy blooms is a time of son-before-flower; those plants bloom whose chief strategy is to produce flowers prior to leaves. Included in this season are its namesake
Amelanchier canadensis (shadbush),
Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot), and
Acer rubrum (red maple). Most of our oaks, aspen, and willows are part of the season of Amelanchier. is a cold area in winter and many people here weaken emotionally in March. But to leave the Taconics for warm weather any time between March 26th and the blooming of
Glecoma heteracea (ground ivy) indicates mental illness.
Stand in the wind on a hill facing southeast on the first really warm day of Amelanchier. It's insurance against being taken off to the nuthouse screaming about illegal wars and unfaithful women.
Amelanchier is just a season of health--and anyone in any temperate zone north or south knows what I mean. And even naming this season has risks; when this diary rolls around to next Feburary we will see that all the signs are there of the growing explosion of this time.
Remember to email me at for an Excel document showing a full list of all species and first blooming dates (and photographs) of all species in 42.31, -72.55.